Monday, 8 October 2012

Revisited Youth

Remember the days before Facebook/Twitter/Mobile Internet\Sky Sports News\Football First etc, when it was very easy to avoid finding out the football scores. Essentially all you had to do was avoid watching the news, which when I was a kid definitely wasn't hard. Reminiscing those old days, I decided that I would turn my phone off on Saturday and wait for MOTD to tell me the scores. The weather was lovely which definitely helped distract my constant need to know what the scores were, if anyone had texted me, how many emails I had, whether anyone wrote on my facebook wall. We went out for a meal Saturday evening, and I desperately tried not to eavesdrop any conversations lest they be regarding the football. Slowly but surely 10:30 crawled around and I sat down with a lager feeling like a kid at Christmas. This was going to be awesome. First set back of the night was discovering Shearer was back on but even he couldn't ruin Chelsea's fantastic performance (not for a lack of trying mind you). Cue the montage of games coming up, game after game went by without Everton appearing and I started to think that as usual Everton would be on last. Of course, everyone thinks their team is always last, although I'm fairly sure Everton actually are! As it turned out it would have been better had we been on last because just like I was 6 again, I stormed up to bed after watching yet another diabolical refereeing performance. Until I got to work today I didn't even realise Reading somehow got a point.

Point of this post? There isn't one really, except that I've learned that waiting for MOTD is a waste of time.

As a follow up to my last post for those interested here are two graphs representing the same, Top 50 data but for the WTA tour

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